The City of Surprise is undergoing an update of the community General Plan to guide the future of the city.
Community Fast Facts
Population Change
Safest City in Arizona
Largest City in Arizona
of Planning Area Annexed
Spring Training Stadium in Arizona 2018
Learn more about the General Plan, its components, and the project process below:
What is the
General Plan?
The General Plan is the long-range planning document that outlines the next 10-20 years of future growth and development for the City. The General Plan is bounded by a community vision and various goals, policies, and maps to support the plan's ultimate implementation. In application, the General Plan acts as a guide for future social, economic, and development decisions.
Why update the General Plan now?
Arizona Revised Statutes requires every community in the state to have a General Plan that is updated every 10 years. The existing General Plan was adopted and ratified by voters in 2013. As we approach 2023, the City of Surprise is due for a General Plan update to comply with state law.
What topics does
the General Plan address?
Arizona Revised Statutes require certain topics or "elements" be covered based on a community's population. The following elements are required based on the population of Surprise:
Land Use, Circulation, Open Space, Growth Areas, Environmental Planning, Cost of Development, Water Resources, Conservation & Recreation, Housing, Transit, Public Services & Facilities, Safety, Cycling, Energy, and Neighborhood Preservation.
Optional/additional General Plan topics:
Additional elements may be included as desired by a community. The City of Surprise may address the following optional topics:
Economic Development, Smart Cities, Health & Wellness
What is the Schedule & Process?
Learn about opportunities to get engaged in the project and give your input today!
Upcoming Events
- Tue, Jul 30Local Voting Location or Vote by MailJul 30, 2024, 7:00 AMLocal Voting Location or Vote by Mail
Public Meeting Parking Instructions
Please download the parking map for all General Plan Public Meetings below:
Review and download project documents below:
Informational Pamphlet for the Surprise 2040 General Plan
The purpose of this publicity/informational pamphlet is to provide detailed information regarding the City of Surprise upcoming election for the Surprise 2040 General Plan. This ballot measure will be on the Primary Election ballot in addition to other state and local offices up for election.
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Reach out to the City Contact below with any questions.
City Contact
Please reach out to Jason Moquin with any questions or comments:
Jason Moquin
Planning Manager
City of Surprise | Community Development
16000 N Civic Center Plaza, Surprise, AZ 85374, USA
(623) 222-3045